Layered (Birthday) Cake Frappuccino (from Starbucks)

30+ days of being 30 and figured I would celebrate by going to Starbucks AGAIN. I also figured I should share this “secret” (birthday) drink I created and love, because it’s just that good and I’m just THAT kind of person.

I’ll be completely honest, I’ve always been a little bit extra when it comes to Starbucks, but this one takes the cake, literally. The greatest part about it — I have zero shame. Sometimes you just crave something they don’t have on the menu. Plus, the occasion seemed fitting…

Layered (Birthday) Cake Frappuccino ⁣⁣

(from Starbucks)⁣⁣⁣

How to order:⁣⁣

  • Go to your nearest Starbucks location ⁣

* Ask for a vanilla bean creme frappuccino ⁣

* Select your choice of milk. I prefer their Barista Blend oat cream by Earth’s Own (just in case you were wondering)⁣⁣.

* Add vanilla syrup for extra sweetness (optional)⁣⁣ (pumps will vary depending on size)⁣⁣.

* Ask to have a birthday cake pop blended into the frapp⁣⁣.

* Get layered whipped cream in the cup⁣⁣.

* If it’s your birthday, make sure you get a Venti (because let’s be completely honest here). ⁣⁣⁣

* And if it’s your 30th birthday, get an affogato shot (or 2) on top to make it “dirty” (30) (optional).⁣⁣


This is my own creation and cannot be found on the Starbucks menu (or “secret menu”).⁣⁣


Lover of life (and cake). ♡

Sun(shine) Coffee (via French Press)


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