How to Convert Banner Text into Custom Logo⁣⁣ ⁣⁣(using Squarespace Mobile)⁣⁣

It’s been just over two years since I created this blog, and I figured it was about time to give it a makeover! Since doing so, I’ve received quite a few questions on how to convert banner text to custom logo on a blog site. While I can’t say it’s the same process for all blogging platforms, I can show you the simplicity Squarespace has to offer when wanting to add a personal touch (custom logo, etc) to your blog. If this is of interest to you, keep reading below!

First, you need to create and design your logo. I prefer to use Canva for all things web-design, as they have many fonts, templates, etc to choose from. If you don’t already have Canva, go to the App Store and download it, then open it up.⁣⁣ Or if you already have another web design app, you can absolutely use that instead.

From there you’re going to type “design” into the search bar and find a template to create your logo. ⁣⁣

I’ve already done that, so I’m just going to open up a blank space and copy and paste my logo into that space.⁣⁣

After you’ve designed and saved your logo, open up squarespace and go to your home page.⁣⁣

Tap “edit” in the top right corner, followed by the text you want to convert. Then tap “site title and logo”.⁣⁣

Add your logo from photo library. Do this for both logo image and mobile image.

⁣⁣Make sure to adjust the logo height and size as desired. You can also manually enter it in (as I have done here).⁣⁣

Once everything looks good, tap save.⁣⁣

And that’s pretty much all there is to it!⁣⁣

For a more visual tutorial, you can view my IG reels @haveyour.c.a.k.e

Thanks for reading!


Lover of life (and cake). ♡

Layered (Birthday) Cake Frappuccino (from Starbucks)


Classic Vanilla Cake